Private or public school advantage? Evidence from 40 countries using PISA 2012-Mathematics

Δημοσιευμένα: Μαΐ 11, 2017
Chris Sakellariou

It is known that in most countries, students in private schools outperform students in public schools in international assessments. However, assessing the true effect of private school attendance requires addressing selection and sorting issues on both observables and unobservables. The existing empirical evidence on the private school effect mostly covers OECD and Latin American countries, with little evidence on other parts of the world. There is recent emerging country specific evidence doubting the existence of a private school advantage. I use PISA 2012 data for Mathematics and two different methodologies to derive baseline and bias-corrected estimates of the private-dependent and independent school effect for 40 countries. A robust private school advantage if found only in a handful of countries. Public schools generally perform equally well as private subsidised schools and outperform independent schools. Accounting for both peer effects and selection is necessary when evaluating school effectiveness, especially in the case of independent schools.

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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Chris Sakellariou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Department of Economics

Humanities and Social Sciences

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