O ρόλος των στυλ διαπαιδαγώγησης και των μορφών τελειοθηρίας στην ψυχική υγεία των χαρισματικών παιδιών, εφήβων και ενηλίκων

Published: Jul 28, 2020
parenting styles perfectionism giftedness mental health
Γεώργιος Κυνηγόπουλος
Although much research has been conducted on the role of parenting styles in the academic performance of adolescents, relevant research examining the role of these along with the dimensions of perfectionism in the mental health of gifted individuals is scarce. As high intelligence can potentially increase the risk for specific disorders in gifted individuals, the present study focuses on factors related to their mental health. A review of the literature showed that the authoritative parenting style positively influences the psychosocial adjustment of both gifted and non-gifted adolescents. Instead, it emerged that the authoritarian parenting style is associated with a higher incidence of psychosocial disorders only in gifted adolescents. Moreover, it was found that the authoritative style is associated with positive dimensions of perfectionism, while the authoritarian style is associated with negative dimensions. Since work and marital status constitute the major contributors to life satisfaction in gifted adults aged 28 and 33 or older, respectively, the findings of this study include two perspectives for counseling interventions. In particular, supportive interventions are proposed for parents of gifted children to improve their parenting style and for gifted individuals to cultivate the mindset that mistakes are not failures but part of the learning process.
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Γεώργιος Κυνηγόπουλος

Εκπαιδευτικός, Ινστιτούτο Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής