Το μοντέλο Ιδέες - Κόσμος - Τεκμήρια ως εργαλείο σχεδιασμού μιας Διδακτικής Μαθησιακής Ακολουθίας για την Οικολογία

Published: Sep 14, 2024
TLS ICE model Ecology
Χριστίνα Ντινολάζου
Πηνελόπη Παπαδοπούλου

The present study aims to investigate whether the theoretical framework Ideas-Cosmos-Evidence (ICE) is suitable as a design tool of effective Teaching Learning Sequences (TLS) for  basic Ecological concepts. For this purpose two different versions of a TLS, which differed in terms of whether or not the model was used for their design, were designed, implemented in to different groups and evaluated. The results were compared, having as a main tool a questionnaire for detecting the alternative ideas. The descriptive analysis of the results showed that the cognitive development of the group of students who participated in the TLS whose design was based on the ICT model was further enhanced.

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  • PhDs
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