Exploring the modern leadership in Greece of the crisis

Published: Nov 24, 2017
Educational leadership modern school leadership style decentralization transformational leadership
Αναστάσιος Γ. Παπαδόπουλος

The aim of this research was to identify the leading administrative style that will transform the human resources of the school units in today's Greece of the crisis. A qualitative survey was carried out through structured interviews, where the views of the High School, Lyceum and Lyceum Directors of the city of Komotini were recorded, on the search for the appropriate educational leadership model they follow, the ones to be followed, and the possibility - especially today - they finally have to implement it. It has been established that the role of the leader-manager is multifaceted, since he must simultaneously be a manager of functions and people, but also to motivate and encourage others. Regarding leadership style, the results of the survey showed that there is no ideal behavior that a Director has to demonstrate to successfully fulfill his role. In conclusion, a further future research is proposed with more complex statistical methods and a larger numerical and geographic sample in order to further study the exercise of the appropriate model of educational leadership adapted to the current problems and needs.

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Αναστάσιος Γ. Παπαδόπουλος

Καθηγητής Πληροφορικής, 2ο ΕΠΑ.Λ - 1ο ΕΚ Κομοτηνής, ΔΠΘ, MSc- ΕΑΠ, MSc - UniversityofDerby, MBA