Children diagnosed with distraction and hyperactivity in the school environment. Case studies.

The work attempts to investigate the symptoms of carelessness, behavioral manifestations of children attending a special school with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, teaching intervention and assessment by studying childhood cases. The frequency of children with ADHD in special schools is limited. They usually attend regular schools when the ADHD is not accompanied by low intelligence, neurological - emotional disturbances and irresponsibility. Our study showed that of the fifty children attending the special school, only two boys show ADHD. A fact that confirms the evidence so far that it is more common three times in boys than girls and that its presence ranges from 1% to 5% in the school population. It was also found that both children present learning difficulties, memory difficulties and one of these speech and speech disorders. In addition, there are presented the ways of educational intervention on the basis of a personalized program by the special educators of the school (speech therapist, social worker, psychologist, musician, gymnast, school nurse) in order to cope as well as possible at socio-emotional and educational level. The purpose of the interventions is to reduce hyperactivity and to increase the concentration.
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- How to Cite
Μπιμπούδη Μ. (2017). Children diagnosed with distraction and hyperactivity in the school environment. Case studies. Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences, 2016(1), 799–811.
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