Aggressive behavior - Contract of honor

Schools nowadays, embracing the principle of inclusive education, include in their classes a large number of pupils with different characteristics. Some of them may have behavioral problems. This particular class of students, according to Farrell (2006), is constantly challenging parents, teachers and all educational and supportive authorities. The purpose of the research is to describe the reasons for the aggressive behavior of these students. Report possible comorbidity problems and suggest strategies to address the student by school teachers. It also proposes a specific honor contract that is suitable for undergraduate students. In order to compile the study, material from the work of the author was used in the framework of a relevant lesson of the postgraduate special education program of the University of Nicosia in which he is a student. University papers, home and international literature on emotional and behavioral problems of students were also used. There are many teachers who have pupils with behavioral problems in their classes, and it is important for them to be aware of the parameters that govern the behavior of a child, as well as ways to deal with delinquent behavior within the school environment.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Μπικάκης Ι. (2017). Aggressive behavior - Contract of honor. Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences, 2016(1), 772–780.
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