Social and emotional learning program with music and song tool for pupils with cerebral palsy

Published: Nov 20, 2017
Social - emotional learning music song cerebral palsy
Αναστασία Μαυρίδου
Αικατερίνη Γεροφώτη

The contribution concerns the implementation of a social and emotional learning program with a music and song tool for pupils with cerebral palsy and mental disability. The program was implemented within the framework of Health Education, through the network "I feel for myself and others". 11 pupils from the 2nd Special Primary School of Thessaloniki participated. 30 meetings took place over seven months during the school year 2015-16. The purpose of the intervention was to develop the positive approach of oneself and others and the goals were to develop social, emotional and communication skills. The approach of the group was done in an interactive and participatory way, based on experiential and energetic methods of intervention, after adapting existing and created original educational material suitable for people with multiple disabilities. This article outlines the design, implementation, and training material of the program. After analysis of the data collected through a questionnaire, positive changes at individual and group level were found in the individual objectives. The project confirms the multiple potential of people with cerebral palsy and the need to support such interventions. Music has enhanced the positive motivation for pupils to participate, interact and initiate, and therefore their collectiveness.

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Αναστασία Μαυρίδου
Σχολική Ψυχολόγος
Αικατερίνη Γεροφώτη
Μουσικοπαιδαγωγός Ειδικής Αγωγής