The teaching of art through the study of a natural phenomenon

Published: Nov 20, 2017
Arts interdisciplinary approach
Θωμάς Μαλάμος

One of the aims of the training is, among other things, the adoption of positive attitudes and behaviors towards artworks, acquaintance, interpretation, understanding of the Greek and world heritage, experimentation and the creation of works of art by the students themselves. In order to achieve this, not only the lesson of the Visual Arts, but also the modules of many different cognitive objects can be used. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of teaching art through the cross-thematic approach. As a focal point of this approach, a module was selected from the Environmental Study and specifically the water cycle. The stages of designing, developing and implementing a teaching scenario were used to achieve the research goal. The objectives of the scenario, the stages of its development, the activities carried out, the way of its evaluation are described in detail. The interdisciplinary approach can create a new learning environment, contribute to an alternative way of conquering knowledge focusing on the student and his experiences.

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Θωμάς Μαλάμος
Εκπαιδευτικός Π.Ε. 70