The social relationships of a child with high functioning autism in his / her school environment: Case study

Published: Nov 20, 2017
High functioning autism classroom sociometry social interactions and relationships
Ιγνατία Κνίκου

Autism is characterized by qualitative deviation in social interaction. In this study, the technique of sociometry was used to investigate the friendly relationships of a person with a pervasive developmental disfunction of high functionality (ADHD) compared to individuals of the same age without FADN. It was found that the person with DADYL had established friendly relations with three people. In particular, he had developed a mutually friendly relationship in three different environments with one of them. In particular, friendly relationships were present in the organized environment of the school, in a non-organized environment within a school context, and in an unorganized context of the extracurricular environment. Also, the person with DADYL had high popularity only in the organized environment. The high intelligence of the person with DADYL is not sufficient to compensate for the social deficiencies in the non-organized frameworks.

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Author Biography
Ιγνατία Κνίκου
BSW, B.Ed.