Counseling and social support networks for parents of children with disabilities and / or special needs

Published: Nov 20, 2017
Counseling social support networks special education
Ελένη Γαστουνιώτου
Ελπίδα Λάκκα

Children and their families seen in an ecological content are members of and interact with various subsystems. The main purpose of the work is to look at the counseling provided to the parents of children with disabilities and / or special needs and what kinds of social support they provide. The questions that are being investigated are whether there is a link between the informal and formal support provided to the parents of children with disabilities and / or special needs and whether there is a difference in the types of support provided by gender and nationality of the parents of children with disabilities and / And special needs. Our research plan included conducting a quantitative survey involving 29 parents of disabled and / or disabled children from the Hellenic Cranio-Facial Center in Athens, Livadia Development Center and Kymi Evia. According to the findings, there is a positive relationship and interaction Between informal and formal support, while the gender and nationality of the parents of children with disabilities and / or special needs did not appear to affect the kind of assistance provided to them.

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Ελένη Γαστουνιώτου

απόφοιτος ΠΤΔΕ του ΕΚΠΑ, φοιτήτρια στο ΠΜΣ Λογοθεραπεία – Συμβουλευτική και στο τμήμα Ψυχολογίας του ΕΚΠΑ

Ελπίδα Λάκκα

απόφοιτος ΠΤΔΕ του ΕΚΠΑ, φοιτήτρια στο ΠΜΣ Λογοθεραπεία – Συμβουλευτική