Αιτιολογικοί παράγοντες των διαταραχών αυτιστικού φάσματος(ΔΑΦ)
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), also referred to as pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), are developmental disabilities characterized by impairments in social skills, delay in many areas of development and repetitive patterns of behavior. Τhe evolution of autism is gradual and the majority of the children experience these deficits throughout their lives. There is no known single cause, but there are a number of theories that explain the etiology of autism spectrum disorders. Research shows that the causes of autism are genetic and can be categorized into "idiopathic," which applies to the majority of cases, and "secondary," in which an environmental agent can be identified, while others researchers talk about chromosome abnormalities. Reddy (2005) also refers to the Fragile-X syndrom and to the correlation of autism with the dysfunction in the amygdala, hippocampus, and related limbic and cortical structures. Contemporary investigations shows that exposure to chemicals in air, food and drinking water in early pregnancy may be toxic and produce neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. Another theory is the opioid-excess theory of autism in which autism is the result of a metabolic disorder. In general, the existence of many theories creates uncertainty to parents who are trying to understand the etiology of autism. The prevailing view is that there is a combination of genetic and environmental factors and therefore the treatment should include biological, behavioral and psychosocial interventions.
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Αντωνίου Α. Σ., & Δαλιανά Ν. (2017). Αιτιολογικοί παράγοντες των διαταραχών αυτιστικού φάσματος(ΔΑΦ). Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences, 2016(1), 137–151. https://doi.org/10.12681/edusc.836
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