Stress and withdrawal in relation to the self-assessment of the educational environment by adolescents with mild Mental Retardation


Teenagers with mild mental retardation constitute a large group of students with special educational needs, as they cannot correspond to the demands of the schedule of the general school. During their student years they come across serious difficulties regarding their social and cognitive development, which are due to their limited intelligence. The result of all these deficits is the frequent appearance of intense symptoms of school stress due to the continuous failures and a sense of withdrawal from the regular school activities. The purpose of the current study is the investigation of the parameters of the school environment (mental and emotional) which contribute to the increase of stress and the withdrawal in students with mild mental retardation who attend schools of Special Educational Training of Secondary Education in the 2nd District of Athens and East Attica. Students with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation from the child Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, aged 14-18 years old took part in the study. The instruments used were: a) The Questionnaire of self report for children and teenagers (Achenbach, 2001) b) The Questionnaire of school satisfaction which concerns views, values and motives in relation to the school environment (Agaliotis, 2006).The results of the study showed that the students’ views regarding their performance in language and mathematics influence negatively stress and the withdrawal that they experience. Their personal views though, regarding how they experience their relationship with their classmates and teachers, as well as how they perceive the school regulations reduce the above mentioned negative feelings.


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Ειδική Παιδαγωγός, Υπ Δρ. Π.Τ.Δ.Ε
Ειδική Παιδαγωγός, Υπ Δρ. Π.Τ.Δ.Ε