Educational Policy and Innovations The use of Interactive Whiteboards in Greek Primary Education. An empirical research

Published: May 6, 2022
Educational Policy Interactive Whiteboard ICT Information society Digital School Critical Discourse Analysis Case Study

The introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is still an innovative type of teaching and an important component of educational planning in the Educational Policy of the countries. The purpose of this research is to explore current trends in technology integration in educational practice, particularly the implementation of the interactive whiteboard in primary education. Analyzing through the use of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA, Fairclough, 1995) the text of the Greek Ministry of Education New School: Priority to the Student, and especially the section "Digital School-seven functional axles" (2010) it was attempted - through an empirical case study - the survey, analysis and interpretation of this new teaching reality.

The research findings highlight the pedagogical relationship between teachers – students and the interactive whiteboard and also show the first difficulties which encountered in this embryonic stage of that implementation. The educational and instructional needs revealed, shift for one more time the research interest in part of Education Policy, stressing the need for effective teacher education at tertiary level.

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MeD, Εκπαιδευτικός