Μοντέλα εκπαιδευτικής διοίκησης: Συγκριτική προσέγγιση ιδιωτικών εκπαιδευτηρίων και δημόσιων εκπαιδευτικών οργανισμών λυκειακής εκπαίδευσης στην πόλη του Βόλου

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Educational management model private institutes high schools
Δημήτριος Χαλκιώτης
Μαρίνα – Αικατερίνη Διαμαντή

The educational management models which are adopted by the managers of educational organizations play an extremely significant role in their function and development. The present thesis investigates the educational management models which are used in public high schools and private educational institutes in the city ofVolos, while there has furthermore been an attempt   of their approximate comparison. This study consists of two separate parts, the theoretical and the researching one.  In the theoretical part there are presented functional  definitions, meanings and  theories of international bibliography for the management of educational organisations, the models, theories and different ways of management decision- taking  and  leadership are examined  and the legal framework  of the function of public high schools and private educational institutes  is described. In the second part, the primary research which has been carried out following the qualitative method is presented through private interviews with four managers of public high schools and eight managers of private educational institutes in the city ofVolos.  The data have emerged after the transcription of the interviews’ audio records. The conclusion of the current thesis is that the model of management which is mostly used in public high schools ofVolosis a combination of the “democratic” one with the “participatory” model of taking decisions, while in private educational institutes the “humanitarian” model of management prevails and it is often replaced by the “democratic” one depending on the circumstances. Finally the “consultative” style of taking decision is used in private educational institutes.


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Author Biographies
Δημήτριος Χαλκιώτης
(PhD), Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο
Μαρίνα – Αικατερίνη Διαμαντή
Φιλόλογος Α.Π.Θ., M.Ed.