Διαταραχή Αυτιστικού Φάσματος- Μια μελέτη περίπτωσης

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Applied Behavior Analysis Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Ειρήνη Τσομπόλη

The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (A.S.D.) is a brain disorder, that has organic explanation and refers to disorders and deficits in socialization, in verbal and non-verbal communication and in limited repetitive motif of attitude, due to limited creative imagination. The present assignment is a report of a boy who is 13 years old and suffers from Autistic Spectrum Disorder. That student faces various problems, including behavioral problems, socializing problems and communicative problems. My goal is to show up the intervention methods, providing at the same time all the positive and negative perspectives of them, so as to help every interested person to meet new horizons. There are various pedagogical approaches and practices which can be applied to help children who are in Autistic Spectrum Disorder. However, before the implementation and approach of any method, it is vital to become a punctual and correct assessment. In this specific case of the student, the program that was used was that of Applied Behavioral Analysis-ABA. The goal of this program is to eliminate the unwanted behaviors and to boost the wanted behaviors.

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Ειρήνη Τσομπόλη

 Φιλόλογος - Ειδική Παιδαγωγός