«Δημιουργία corpus γραπτού και προφορικού λόγου παιδιών με δυσορθογραφία και αυτισμό»

Published: Jul 28, 2020
corpora autism dysorthography spoken/written language children’s language
Γεωργία Μαζιώτη
Μαργαρίτα Τσεβά

Recent studies on the creation of corpora have emphasized the need for the development of special corpora for pedagogical purposes. The purpose of the present study is to contribute to this development by looking into the language of children with autism or language disorders. More specifically, the study aims at setting the theoretical framework for the creation of an electronic corpus for educational purposes. To pursue this objective, the study includes readings from text objects and transcriptions from spoken language into linguistic research, their design challenges as well as the potential of the field of electronic corpora by making use of the WordSmith Tools application and the resulting online corpus.

The main research question of the study is whether the corpus methodology is useful both for understanding miscellaneous spelling and phonological mistakes and for encoding them. It is argued that a corpus design is a useful tool for teachers, so they can  assess the mistakes made by children. Through the out-coming results the present study attempts to become the stimulus for filling the research gap in Greek literature regarding the development of children's textbooks with dysorthography and children’s spoken language with autism and, as such, to be a valuable educational intervention tool.


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Γεωργία Μαζιώτη
Ειδική Παιδαγωγός
Μαργαρίτα Τσεβά
Ειδική Παιδαγωγός