Μοντέλα Ηγεσίας στο ελληνικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο

Published: Jul 28, 2020
School Leadership New Public Management Principal
Δημήτριος Σταύρου
The Principal in the Greek public school deals on the one hand with administrative/ bureaucratic issues concerning the day-to-day running of the school as an executive body of the state, and on the other hand he has to respond to his role as a leader of a modern, collaborative and effective school. The purpose of the research we present in this paper was to investigate the attitudes of the Primary School Principals in Attica (Greece) about the New Public Management in Education, in relation to the Leadership Style that they use in their schools. Among other findings, we concluse that the Principals mostly improvise by testing different Leadership Styles on a case-by-case basis without having a clear style.
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Δημήτριος Σταύρου
δάσκαλος, ΜΔΕ, υπ. διδάκτωρ ΕΚΠΑ