Οργανωσιακή συμπεριφορά χαρισματικών εκπαιδευτικών ηγετών στις σχολικές μονάδες

Published: Jul 28, 2020
charismatic educational leadership organizational behavior selecting school unit’s principals
Δημήτριος Σιδηρόπουλος

In this paper, a brief bibliographic overview of the organizational behavior, which charismatic educational leaders express in school units is done. According to the bibliography, charismatic leaders can: a) inspire a common vision, b) initiate processes of positive transformation of dysfunctional visions and practices of teachers, c) empower  team’s self-efficacy, d) take personal risk and responsibility for innovative actions, e) model the stages of school unit towards achieving objectives of the reference group, f) act with an unconventional and anti-systemic way; g) have a high level of social and emotional intelligence, h) satisfy foremost the group’s needs. Based on the above, it is required to select as principals of school units, teachers, who beyond their academic qualifications and experience have manifested elements of charismatic leaders. In addition, present principals need to be supported to acquire basic socio-knowledge skills of charismatic leadership through their participation in long term training programs of professional development, which implemented by the relevant public academic and educational institutions of the country.

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Author Biography
Δημήτριος Σιδηρόπουλος

Συντονιστής Εκπαιδευτικού Έργου ΠΕ 70

1ου Περιφερειακού Κέντρου Εκπαιδευτικού Σχεδιασμού

Περιφερειακής Διεύθυνσης Π.Ε & Δ.Ε Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας