«Η Αξιοποίηση του Παραμυθιού και του Θεατρικού παιχνιδιού στην Εργοθεραπευτική Παρέμβαση στο Νηπιαγωγείο»

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Fairytale Theatrical play Occupational therapy
Βασιλική Ι. Παπακίτσου

The present work is an Occupational Therapy intervention that creatively utilizes forms of Art as means of therapy for students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD, in a Private Preschool in Attica.

The trainees in collaboration with the trainer created groups with specially designed training programs tailored to the particular characteristics, abilities and difficulties of the students. The role of Occupational Therapy proves to be extremely important in systematically assisting and supporting children with various psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive impairments.

Fairy Tale, Theatrical Game, and Role Playing are the most appropriate means for the Occupational Therapist, who by properly utilize them, is enhancing children's self-confidence and assisting their struggle for adaptation, replenishment and independence.

The goal is for the students to socialize, to develop language, cognitive, psychosocial, team spirit, optical-motor coordination skills. At the same time, they should understand the symbolic - metaphorical dimension of language, mobilizing the mechanisms of projection and identification, expression, management and processing of emotions and intrapsychic conflict.

The work that used to carry out the program: Fairy Tales: Aesop Myths: "The Liar Shepherd". Trivizas: "The Three Little Wolfs." Poet: Drosinis: "The Fox Nun". Music: The poem is composed and selected excerpts from T. Moraki's music.

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Βασιλική Ι. Παπακίτσου


MSc, Φιλόλογος ΕΚΠΑ