Εκπαίδευση Χαρισματικών Μαθητών-Δειγματοληπτική Έρευνα

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Self-fulfilling prophecy gifted students equalization education special needs
Mλάντεν Βασίλιεβιτς
Μαρία Μαυροθανάση

Having in mind that a supportive teaching environment could enhance learning results, according to self-fulfilling theory (Rosenthal –Jacobson, 1968), we thought that it was a good idea to explore teacher’s attitudes towards students with high abilities. The hypothesis was that teachers scarcely recognize the high ability students, either because they don’t have the proper training for that, either they are affected by the “equalization” prospect, giving priority to the inclusion. Hence, children with high abilities do need a special treatment, due to their special phycho-social needs. This sample research reveals the urge of teacher’s education for high abilities student’s needs and treatment.

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Mλάντεν Βασίλιεβιτς

ΠΕ70.5 Παιδαγωγός ειδικής αγωγής

Μαρία Μαυροθανάση
ΠΕ02 Φιλόλογος