Οικογένεια και χαρισματικότητα

Published: Jul 28, 2020
intelligence giftness family environment heredity stimulus
Βασιλική Κουστένη
This paper examines globally, through a variety of literature, those factors that influence the further development of a charismatic individual. In addition to the contribution of nature, the environment of the individual (nurture) is also examined. We focus on two main axes: the form of the family (nuclear, enlarged, single parent) (GIDDENS, (2002)) and its socio-economic status (L. McNeman, (1942), M.J. Schulman and R.J.Havinghurst, (1947). Finally, a brief reference is also made to the relationships that develop within a family after the diagnosis of charisma in a member (Nancy M. Robinson, (2004), S. Rimm (2008)). The purpose of the research was to examine whether intelligence is solely due to heredity or even to the family environment. That is to say, beyond the intellectual potential of a person, his / her wider environment contributes to the development and display of his or her gifts or if, on the contrary, it is a hindrance. Although scholars have explicitly favored one view or another, recent research has finally argued that genetic and family factors determine the expression, or not, of giftness.
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Βασιλική Κουστένη