Παράμετροι Εκπαίδευσης Χαρισματικών Παιδιών στην Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση και Κατάρτιση

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Vocational Education and Training Knowledge Attitudes Skills Technical Culture
Δημήτριος Κοτσιφάκος

This article present identifying elements of gifted students of Vocational Education and Training (VET) as well as the specific handling characteristics for its promotion. These features, once integrated into the basic theoretical approaches of the charismatic literature, are documented through statistical measurements and up-to-date evaluations of performance in different areas of VET pupils' learning behaviour. The charisma of the VET learning population is emerging through key observations on the change in learning attitudes and attitudes during the implementation of today's upgraded VET institutional framework. This article reconstructs those negative stereotypes that still have a negative effect today, and instead of these prejudices, a comprehensive charter school management strategy for VET is proposed. The article concludes with the conclusions on the presentation of the strategies that work to highlight charismatic students in VET structures as these students are pioneers in defending the values of technical culture and the world of work inGreece.

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Author Biography
Δημήτριος Κοτσιφάκος

καθηγητής Ηλεκτρονικής σε Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο

MSc, PhD (candidate), Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Παν/μιο Πειραιώς