Η σημασία της συμμετοχής μαθητών προσφύγων στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση.

Published: Jul 28, 2020
Refugee Education TESOL Resilience.
Λάζαρος Κικίδης
The aim of this study is to contribute in different ways to the progress and enrichment of refugee education within schools, students’ motivation; emotional well-being and language acquisition are the priorities of this research. This study researches good practices worldwide and investigates their theoretical framework in order to partially deliver that effort. At the same time the semi-structured interviews conducted with teachers who actually work with refugees gave the chance to explore deficits and assets of the actual practice within the Greek context and to examine them. Drawing on the socio-cultural environment in which all these educational interventions are taking place conclusions were reached and recommendations were set in order to facilitate and support teachers and educational settings while at the same time propose interventions that could be initiated or continued in terms of policy. The need for the development of consistent policies that guarantee the participation of refugees with a provision for the coverage of their additional needs, the necessity for adequate teacher training and the preparation of resources that could facilitate teachers’ work were crucial recommendations of the research. At the same time, the meaning of a context that provides refugees with safety and certainty for their future as equal citizens within the Greek community was raised as a crucial factor that determines students’ attitudes and motivation
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Author Biography
Λάζαρος Κικίδης
Ειδικός Παιδαγωγός, M.Ed. TESOL