«Το φαινόμενο της υποαντιπροσώπευσης των γυναικών στη διοίκηση της εκπαίδευσης: Η σύγκρουση επαγγελματικών και οικογενειακών υποχρεώσεων ως ανασταλτικός παράγοντας ανάληψης του διευθυντικού ρόλου»

Published: Mar 3, 2020
School Administration women underrepresentation role conflict
Μαρίνα Νιώτα

In Greece high representation of the teaching profession by women is observed to the point that the teaching profession is defined as 'female profession'. In contrast, in the field of the administration of education, the higher we go up the hierarchy, the lower the participation rate of women. A major obstacle encountered by a woman teacher in trying to evolve professionally is the conflict between professional and family role (work and family conflict). The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of this conflict on the effort or the desire to take on the role of the director of a school facility, as well as the importance appears to have actions such as social care and counseling, in order to address problems arising from the conflict. To organize and conduct the research we implemented the principles of quantitative research and the research design that was followed is sampling. Our research tool was a questionnaire and our sample included 117 female teachers. The survey results revealed the family obligations as a major obstacle for the advancement of women teachers and confirmed the sizable extent to which all forms and dimensions of the conflict of family and professional role are experienced, except that of behavior. Noteworthy is the fact that the family and work conflict does not seem to be such a highly inhibitory factor on administrative rise of female teachers. Finally, it was determined the great significance of the existence and proper functioning of a social assistance framework by the State and the advisory-educational support to female teachers in order to support their claim and undertake management tasks.

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Μαρίνα Νιώτα

Δασκάλα, Med «Σπουδές στην Εκπαίδευση»