Συνάρτηση του υψηλού διανοητικού δυναμικού και των δεξιοτήτων προσοχής των ευφυών μαθητών

Published: Mar 6, 2019
Giftedness social skills Attention deficit Hyperactivity

Gifted students represent a special group of students who have specific traits and differential educational needs. A proper plan of an holistic intervention requires a deep knowledge of the cognitive, emotional and social characteristics of gifted students. Attention skills or deficits of gifted students constitute a subject of great significance. Several important issues, rarely discussed in the literature on attention deficits, offer alternative hypotheses for the increasing incidence of hyperactivity and attention problems of gifted youngsters.  There are many suggestions that far too many high ability students are referred for problems with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and sustaining attention. These include theories on emotional development and excitability of gifted students, evidence of unchallenging curricula for high ability students, implications of the multiple intelligences paradigm, and adult reaction to students' extreme precocity. The issues represent environmental conditions that may cause or influence ADHD-like behaviors in high ability students. 

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Διδάκτωρ Ειδικής Αγωγής Χαρισματικών μαθητών ΕΚΠΑ