Μια θεωρητική προσπάθεια μετάβασης από τον όρο γλωσσική ικα-νότητα στον όρο κριτική γλωσσική ταυτότητα στο πλαίσιο ανάδειξης της γλωσσικής χαρισματικότητας των μαθητών

Published: Mar 6, 2019
communication inter-subjectivity identity ideology power emancipation

This paper explores the factors involved in adopting a definition of the linguistic abilities of charismatic children, since the attempt to create a definition of linguistic competence plays a determinant role in the teaching choices, that are appropriate for the outcome of the learning process. In particular, we take into account the restrictive parameters-objections of such an exercise, as evidenced by the studies of Fairclough's critical analysis, in which the mechanism of language becomes an ideological mechanism that reproduces forms of power, through institutions such as the educational institution. Our effort is reinforced by the concerns about adopting a definition of linguistic intelligence from Habermas' Theory of Communication Action. Adopting a definition of linguistic competence that promotes functional literacy undermines the risk of crippling literacy about listening, speaking, reading, writing and critical thinking. It overpowers the cultural knowledge that enables a speaker, a writer, a reader to use language not only to think but to challenge a questioning, in order to participate effectively in society.

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υποψήφια διδάκτορας ΠΤΔΕ Ιωαννίνων