Η διερεύνηση των στρατηγικών αναγνωστικής κατανόησης σε μαθητές πρωτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

Published: Mar 6, 2019
Reading comprehension digital environment reading strategies.

Texts in digital format introduce new challenges and seem to have a big impact on a person's ability to understand what he reads. The aim of this paper is to present and compare two representative qualitative studies examining reading comprehension strategies in primary and secondary school pupils, respectively. For the exploration of reading comprehension strategies, researchers Nikolakopoulos, A., and Paraskeva, F. (2014) used a sample of 15 students of the high school, who were instructed to read an extract from the book Pride & Prejudice in Traditional and electronic form. Correspondingly, Coiro, J., and Dobler, E. (2007), conducted a study of 11 pupils in the 6th Primary School, who scored the highest scores in reading comprehension tests, among 150 pupils of the 6th Primary School, who were originally the sample. In particular, individual meetings and evaluations were carried out through two separate projects that were given to each of the 11 participants of the study and included the use of the internet. The results of the two studies show that pupils' reading strategies with the electronic medium are similar or even more complex to those of the traditional environment, such as the use of prior knowledge, inferential reasoning strategies and self-regulation.

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Author Biography

Ψυχολόγος, MSc. Ιατρικής Σχολής Αθηνών