Πρόγραμμα Σχολικών Δραστηριοτήτων «Μια βόλτα στην Αγορά» 2015-2016

Published: Mar 6, 2019
Coins programme intergration special education

The Educational programme of Heatlh Education “ A walk to the market”  was held during the academic year 2015-2016 with the frameworks of educational programmes at the Special Professional Laboratory Educational and Training school of Argos (E.E.E.E.K ).

The action took place primary and was held based on the needs and the interests of the pupils of the local town. Basic and primary goal of the programme was the recognition and the learning of the use of money (coins and bank notes) from the pupils at their exchanges in their daily life. Secondary goal of the programme was the school integration and embodiment of the pupils in school activities. End also the social integration of the pupils as creative end equal citizens.

Through this action pupils had the chance to recognize coins and bank notes, their value, their utility and also to understand the meaning of money as a mean of exchange. They had also the opportunity to “use their minds” in daily activities (arithmetic, addiction, subtraction), to participate in school activities for example role-plays with icon-exchanges and in the end to work as a team.

With the end of the programme pupils obtained various experiences and images in the school environment (interactive whiteboard) as well in the extracurricular (educational visits e.t.c). They learned to take part to activities, to exchange money, to collaborate, to think and in general to integrate in the school and  social environment.  

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Κοινωνική Λειτουργός Π.Ε. 30