Ειδικές μαθησιακές δυσκολίες και ψηφιακό παιχνίδι

Άρτεμις Μαντζανά
Γιάννης Νικολόπουλος

Τhe subjects of this research analysis are students diagnosed by the competent institution for Special Learning Difficulties/ Disabilities (KEDDY or JETs) focused on mathematics. After highlighting the main findings around this type of students as recorded until today, we look at the literature to identify good practices that may broaden the limits in the development of their mathematical skills. Many researchers, with great educational work, have attached added pedagogical value to the use of new technologies in modern education. Drawing on the difficulties faced by students with Special Learning Difficulties, an illustrative digital game is presented as a supporting training tool. Then, other sources of educational material and software are cited, which considered beneficial in involving students with knowledge. Through the search for new tools and strategies for the development of dense learning opportunities for all pupils, of formal and special education, a variety of research questions arise that can be the subject of further exploration in the education community.

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