Suicide and its management in Education

Published: Nov 24, 2017
Suicide management educator school programs psychotherapy
Ταξιάρχης Χρόνης

This work is an attempt to describe the phenomenon of Suicide. Initially, the phenomenon and its various forms are described and reference is made through various approaches to its psychopathological background, with emphasis on the depression disorder. It then describes some elements of adolescence, but also their connection to suicide. It then describes the management of suicide in the field of education, including the particular role of the educator, the role of the school as an organization, the intervention programs, and some psychological forms of treatment. Among other things, the important role of teacher-student relationship and how it can work beneficial for the student, the important role Counseling Psychology has in school, the necessary cooperation with parents, and the need to establish sensation School safety and the positive climate of the classroom. Finally, the necessity of incorporating basic principles, theories and practices, psychological treatment in school, to better address problematic phenomena is highlighted.

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Author Biography
Ταξιάρχης Χρόνης

Psychologist AUTh, MSc. Ε.Κ.Α.Α.