Calligraphy as a tool for understanding and writing in the Primary.

Published: Nov 20, 2017
calligramme pedagogic tool motivation written expression interdisciplinarity
Παρασκευή Μαστρονικόλα
The present work is included in the border of innovative use of supporting materials of the instructive process. More specifically, the question of the introduction of calligrammes in the teaching of French in the elementary school is posed. The object of our research aspires to developing the calligramme as a pedagogic tool, showing that its use in the class achieves a double goal: first, it causes the motivation of younger students, providing in the course time a play and a communication prospect and simultaneously, allows them to develop the ability of written expression, combining drawing with poetry. In order to confirm our assumptions, we also proposed to the students the creation of a calligramme. The work is constituted by two parts. The first is dedicated to the theoretical bases on which the research is based. In the beginning, we presented the history and the development of the calligrammes. Then, we exposed the reasons for their use in the elementary school, pointing out the particularities of our target group (public) as also the importance of written expression. Finally, we underlined the interdisciplinary value of the calligrammes. The second part presents the process that was followed so that we check the validity of our research’s assumptions, as well as the development of the proposed work (a calligramme). Finally, after we analyzed the results of the research, we were led to our general assertions.
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Author Biography
Παρασκευή Μαστρονικόλα
Καθηγήτρια Γαλλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας,                   M.Sc. Διδακτικής της Γαλλικής ως Ξένης Γλώσσας