Cognitive styles as factors for strengthening intercultural education

Published: Nov 20, 2017
Cross-cultural education cognitive style analytic holistic motivation
Μαρία Γονίδου
Βασιλική Τσούνη
Ιωάννης Αναστασόπουλος
Γεώργιος Τσούνης

The school unit as a living organization is constantly evolving to work by combining knowledge, values and skills. The need to review and change becomes more visible in intercultural school, which must strengthen the dynamic process of interaction and mutual co-operation between pupils of various national and migrant groups and teaching staff. This has created a strong need for a teaching method that helps all students understand the material you give them. The cognitive style is the result of the study of the students' behavior and the recording of similarities and differences in the process of understanding and learning. Research shows that East Asian countries tend to adopt the holistic cognitive style, while Western countries usually embrace the analytical. However, in the age when, due to international circumstances, it has become necessary to establish schools for refugee children, can intercultural research and its findings help? The purpose of this paper is to present the ways of analyzing the teaching material through intercultural methods and practices and to make proposals for the adoption of those that have proved to be the most effective. A brief description of the dimensions of Hofstede and a comparative analysis of learning motivations will also be made in an attempt to propose methods that can facilitate and make the educational process more efficient.

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Author Biographies
Μαρία Γονίδου
Διαπολιτισμική Ψυχολόγος. Msc, MBA
Βασιλική Τσούνη
Φιλόλογος. ΜEd, M Phil
Ιωάννης Αναστασόπουλος
Θεολόγος, Msc, MPh
Γεώργιος Τσούνης
Φυσικής Αγωγής, Msc