A study on student activity in a learning management system forum with gamification elements

Published: Jul 27, 2024
Zisis Manouskos
Nikolaos Avouris
Christos Sintoris

Learning Management Systems (LMS) have become a standard tool in higher education institutions;
however, their use is often reduced to repositories of teaching material. The forum is an LMS tool that
allows students’ active engagement, participation, and learning. This study examines the impact of a
‘badge system’, a gamification tool we designed for the discussion forum tool of the Open eClass, a
learning management system. We redesigned the existing OpenEclass forum tool, introducing
gamification elements like badges, points, levels, and a progress indicator. An A/B study was run in
authentic course conditions to compare the two designs and their effect on students’ activity. We draw
conclusions on engagement, interaction, and academic performance. This research highlights the
potential of gamification in enhancing student engagement and interaction in blended learning

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