Computer games and interactive technologies in education: enhancing motivation and engagement for the ‘iLearner’ generation

Published: Sep 21, 2023
Mark Stansfield

This paper describes the work carried out by the ICT in Education research group at the University of the West of Scotland in using games-based learning and interactive technologies as a means of enriching and stimulating the learning experiences of students. This paper examines the contribution of games-based learning to education, highlighting how it enhances motivation and engagement for learners, as well as providing specific examples of games-based learning platforms and applications some of which have been developed and implemented by researchers from the ICT in Education research group led by Professor Thomas M Connolly. The paper will highlight some of the main advantages and problems associated with games-based learning, as well as highlighting a new project, the Web 2.0 European Resource Centre which is aimed at enabling the mass of educators who find ICT confusing and frightening to have a simple and secure environment to use ICT within their class. 

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