Learning about dinosaurs through an electronic visual serious game

Δημοσιευμένα: Mar 18, 2022
Serious Games Education Dinosaurs Learning through play
Athanasios Smyrnakis
Michail Kalogiannakis
Kostas Vassilakis

Games in education have always been a tool for increasing motivation and interest of the students. What is presented here is a serious game with a purpose to motivate the student to learn about paleontology. The game is developed for Android OS, which nowadays is the most well established platform for mobile devices. Through a virtual world with visual dinosaur models students are able to move around and “meet” with some of the most known spices of Mesozoic era by using various interaction abilities of the game such as moving, eating, sleeping and even attacking that probably make these models more realistic. The actual purpose of this game is not just the interaction of the students with the dinosaurs but the knowledge that would be obtained through the interaction.

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