Αξιολόγηση διερευνητικών δραστηριοτήτων οι οποίες απαρτίζουν ψηφιακά μαθησιακά σενάρια

Published: Sep 14, 2024
scientific process skills inquiry-based learning digital learning scenarios
Δέσποινα Βαλσαμούλη
Ιωάννης Λεύκος

The purpose of this research was to analyze and evaluate inquiry-based tasks found in digital Inquiry Learning Scenarios on the Go-Lab platform investigatingtheir contribution to the understanding of the scientific concepts, the scientific process skills and the understanding of scientific inquiry. Inquiry-based tasks of 16 Example Inquiry Learning Scenarioswere analyzed using the Inquiry-Based Tasks Analysis Inventory. The overall level of inquiry of the scenarios was investigated, as well as its possible dependence on characteristics of the scenarios. Our findings suggest that these ILS promote a high degree of understanding of scientific concepts and the scientific inquiry process, but an unbalanced involvement of scientific process skills and there is evidence that the degree of authentic inquiry they offer depends on characteristics of the ILS such us the apps that it includes.

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