Creative writing in education: fields of application, ways of action and modern-innovative educational practices

Creative writing has designated the individual's ability to imagine and create, to feel and to speak freely, authentic and original for his own satisfaction and pleasure. Large number of research studies documenting the positive effects of creative writing, such as sexual abuse, sedation intrapsychic conflicts, suicidality in chronic pain symptoms and abuse. Creative writing is a modern educational method, which aims to deliver and transmit correctly the primary role of speech, writing and speech to students. That is, it is the process by which the appropriate stimulation of child creativity caused the production of speech in a playful and free from severely learning and evaluative frameworks. The methodology approaching experientially, through play and learning of speech and capabilities and relies on reconstruction of the word elements of the proposal and thus the text, in order to produce new texts. Creative writing can work with the release of creativity and healing, providing mental relief, internal release of the person. Also used as experiential methods in healing through the art of the science of psychology and applied to psychotherapeutic programs, rehabilitation, recovery from drug addiction, aid people with disabilities or serious illnesses, abused persons, etc. and has been recognized as an important tool for the empowerment of self-confidence and self-awareness of the individual.
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Τσαρουχάς Ν.-Θ. (2021). Creative writing in education: fields of application, ways of action and modern-innovative educational practices. Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences, 1(1), 137–145.
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