Educational interventions related to the smooth integration of gifted students with a diagnosis of ADHD

Gifted students with learning disabilities and specifically ADHD belong to a unique subgroup of students who display both superior mental ability and specific learning problems. Also known as "twice exceptional", gifted students with ADHD have cognitive, psychological and academic needs that differ from those of either charismatic populations or those with ADHD. These students are rarely recognized either as gifted or as having a need for special educational interventions due to the combination of their advanced abilities and the difficulties that they face. High mental function often compensates for learning disability, covering both their giftedness and their disorder. Many of the current practices indicate that a student can be recognized and assisted for having either special educational needs or for being gifted, but not for both. According to research, it is argued that with appropriate practices students with ADHD can reach their full potential if the material given to them is challenging enough to help them overcome their disorder and engage themselves into learning. The aim of this paper is to examine the inclusion of gifted children with ADHD in the general education and to present some educational practices that should be adopted in order to achieve this goal.
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- How to Cite
Μωραΐτη Α., & Νταλάκα Β. (2021). Educational interventions related to the smooth integration of gifted students with a diagnosis of ADHD. Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences, 1(1), 91–98.
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