The role of the family in the development of giftedness

Published: Oct 13, 2021
nurture giftedness family environment
Μαρκέλλα Κουτρομάνου
Ιωάννα-Μαρία Ξηντάρα

This bibliographic work attempts to outline the key role of the family environment in highlighting charisma. After study in theories and research, older but also more modern, its importance is highlighted establishing positive family ties between family members, which support the gifted child and push him to emerge his gift and consequently to school success. A coherent family atmosphere, accompanied by a culturally and spiritually quality lifestyle, will bring to the charismatic child the best results of its capabilities. Even the single-parent family form is approached which as found, in addition to the negative effect that the absence of a parent has on the course of the charismatic child, there are cases where the loss in the long run acts towards benefit in terms of creativity, expression and development talent. It is confirmed that the family environment, both on traditional family models as well as in single-parent families, is of paramount importance for performance, social ability and overall comprehensiveness development of the gifted child.

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Μαρκέλλα Κουτρομάνου

(Εκπαιδευτικός πρωτοβάθμιας) 

Ιωάννα-Μαρία Ξηντάρα
(Εκπαιδευτικός πρωτοβάθμιας)