The triptych of charisma, intelligence and creativity

Published: Oct 13, 2021
giftedness intelligence creativity dynamic nature achievement
Ελένη Καραγιάννη

   Giftedness is a multidimensional concept, which consists in the interaction of endogenous and external factors and leads the individual to achieve high goals. For many years, the  giftedness is identified with intelligence, which was considered as inherent ability of the individual. The aim of the research is to examine the concept of giftedness, to demonstrate its relationship with the concepts of intelligence and creativity and to explore the extent of their influence on the emergence of gifted behaviour. The findings show that a monolithic view of giftedness that equates it with hereditary intelligence and its imprinting exclusively through a high IQ, is not consistent with latest research data, which show that giftedness is not a set of static characteristics genetically predetermined in the individual. Moreover, it has been shown that intelligence also has  a dynamic nature and changes simultaneously with the individual’s internal and external environment. In addition, they made clear the catalytic role of creativity in the emergence and recognition of gifted behaviour. In conclusion, it turns out that intelligence combined with creativity can be the catalysts for the manifestation of giftedness and the exceptional achievements of the individual, for the benefit of society as a whole.


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Ελένη Καραγιάννη

Φιλόλογος, M.Ed.