Myths and truths about giftedness

Published: Oct 13, 2021
exceptional abilities emotional social educational needs
Ελένη Καραγιάννη
For many years giftedness was considered an innate, stable quality of the individual, based on a high IQ. Recent data, however, highlighting its dynamic multifactorial nature, allowed a better understanding of variation in achievement. The aim of the research is to examine popular myths about the characteristics, recognition criteria and educational needs of gifted students. The findings contributed to demystify anachronistic perceptions and provided clear answers to questions about the nature and special needs of talented children. In conclusion, it turns out that gifted students are a heterogeneous population with high abilities, co-formed by the interaction of multiple factors and with special emotional, social and educational needs, the meeting of which will allow their talents to mature and turn into exceptional achievements.

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Ελένη Καραγιάννη
Φιλόλογος, M.Ed.