Vol. 2014 No. 1: 4th Conference Proceedings

Published: 2016-05-06

The publication of the proceedings of the 4th Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences has been unfortunately delayed. However, we trust that the quality of the contributions is worthwhile and that they will prove to be useful for all those working of in the field education at all levels. Education and research are prerequisites for the development of our country. Therefore it is necessary to hold scientific conferences organized by local universities in order to present new research data, thereby actively promoting education and culture. The purpose of the 4th Conference was the presentation of research data pertinent to the sciences of education. Moreover, detailed proposals for the future of our country's educational system, as well as research findings on modern pedagogical practices were presented.

   On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Conference we express our gratitude to the committees’ members, the guests, the delegates, the members of the Secretariat and the benefactors.


Γιάννης Παπαδάτος

Η συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη ως παράγοντας της αναζήτησης του νοήματος ζωής στα άτομα με κινητική αναπηρία

Αικατερίνη Παπασπύρου, Χριστίνα Τάσση, Σπυρίδων – Γεώργιος Σούλης, Αλεξάνδρα Γεωργίου

Τα Κοινωνικά Δίκτυα στο Σχολικό Περιβάλλον και η Ανάπτυξή τους

Σπυριδούλα Κατσιφή-Χαραλαμπίδη, Γιάννης Κατερέλος

Η διαφορετικότητα σε περίοδο Κρίσης Κρίση οικονομική…ή κοινωνική;

Γεώργιος Νικολάου, Σπυρίδων-Γεώργιος Σούλης, Ισμήνη- Χαρίκλεια Καρατζένη, Μαριάνθη Πολύζου