Digital Divide and Human Resource Inequalities: A Dynamic Policy Strengthening Human Resource Effectiveness

Published: Dec 2, 2024
Digital Divide Digital Skills Soft Skills Organizational Culture Human Resources
Ioannis Zervas
Emmanouil Stiakakis
Eugenia Papaioannou

In the era of digital transformation and the inexhaustible march of technology, the debate around the «digital divide» has engulfed the world of science and politics (Ley, 2020). But beyond the broader concept of the digital divide, what deserves to be examined more thoroughly are its consequences in the field of Human Resources (HR) and their effectiveness in the workplace (Kareem & Mijbas, 2019).This paper aims to bring to the fore a completely original framework of research interest, since it focuses on the relationship between the digital divide and inequalities in human resources. Here, it is examined how the inequality in access and use of digital technologies affects the effectiveness of HR in a business environment. Through this innovative approach, we tried to highlight the dynamic component that technological progress shapes in the context of human resources and their management. In addition, a comprehensive analysis of how inequalities in this area affect the performance of organizations and the achievement of their goals is offered. Through this work, it is proposed to give a new dimension to the debate about the role of technology in the management of human resources and the effectiveness of businesses in the era of digital transformation.

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