About the Journal
The ICCMI e-proceedings are publishing full papers presented at the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI). This initiative is designed as an opportunity to provide conference participants an additional avenue for publishing their work through an established and well recognized outlet, such as the Greek National Documentation Centre (GNDC).
The Greek National Documentation Centre collaborates with the Greek National Library in providing an ISBN number for each book, academic journal and monograph it publishes. In that way, each book, journal or monograph published by the GNDC is included and can be tracked in Scopus dataset. In addition, each published paper in the conference book of full papers attains a doi number (a digital object identifier), like any of your published papers on international peer review journals. This doi number allows researchers from all over the world to identify your article and use it as citation information. With the advent of AI and chatGPT, this piece of information is now deemed crucial by many publishers.
Those researchers taking the opportunity to do so will also be able to tract their work on established scientific repositories such as Scopus, with the research also being internationally recognised through the unique digital object identifier number (doi) it will carry.
The conference proceedings are published by the Dept. of Business Administration and Tourism, School of Management and Economic Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) [Heraklion, Crete]
The National Documentation Centre (www.ekt.gr) is a national infrastructure. Since 1980, it actively engages in the collection, organization and dissemination of scientific and technological information in Greece and internationally. EKT’s strategic priority is the aggregation, organized online dissemination and preservation of quality-assured scholarly and educational content in a single research infrastructure.
EKT’s vision is “Access to Knowledge”. To this end it implements Open Access policies in research, supports the transfer and dissemination of scientific knowledge, collaborates with research, education and cultural institutions for the aggregation, organization and dissemination of digital content and provides innovative services in scientific information.
EKT provides reliable ePublishing services as part of its scholarly content aggregation and dissemination activities. Its integrated online ePublishing environment is developed with open-source interoperable technology. This affords the incorporation of EKT’s infrastructures into the continuously developing international infrastructure environment.
EKT’s ePublishing services (http://www.ekt.gr/epublishing) are directed to public and extended public institution publishers of accredited scholarly journals. They include, most significantly, the organization, documentation and organized dissemination of metadata and content of scholarly journals, the training and consulting services on issues such as intellectual property, the standardization of editorial processes according to internationally accepted standards, the inclusion of content and metadata in international content indexers and harvesters via interoperable systems.