The role of organization-based social support and internal two-way communication in fostering organizational identification in nonprofits: Insights from AHEPA

Published: Dec 2, 2024
Organizational Identification Two-Way Communication Perceived Organization-Based Social Support AHEPA Nonprofit Organizations
Kyriakos Tsiotas
Iordanis Kotzaivazoglou

In the current volatile economic and geopolitical environment, the role of Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) has become increasingly critical as a stabilizing force, creating value for local communities. Organizational Identification (OI) has gained significant attention in the literature as a crucial factor contributing to organizational reach, sustainability, and long-term endurance. Despite its pivotal importance, empirical evidence from NPOs remains scarce. In this study we set to explore the influence of a) perceived organization-based social support (POBSS) and b) two-way communication (TWC) on nurturing OI. A structured questionnaire was administered to 389 AHEPA members residing on the eastern coast of the USA. The findings indicate that both variables significantly enhance OI, yet TWC demonstrates a greater impact compared to POBSS in fostering OI. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical implications of the results, as well as directions for future research, are presented.

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