Τόμ. 9 (1998): HNPS1998

Δημοσιευμένα: 2020-02-11

Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society organized in Ioannina between 30 Sep - 5 Oct 1998

Chiral symmetries in nuclear physics

D. Zschiesche, P. Papazoglou, S. Schramm, W. Ch. Beckmann, J. Schaffner-Bielich, H. Stöcker, W. Greiner

Study of the proton deformation using the Out-Of-Plane Spectrometers

N. I. Kaloskamis, C. N. Papanicolas, and the OOPS Collaboration

Statistical modeling with neural nets: nuclear masses and halflives

E. Mavrommatis, S. Athanassopoulos, A. Dakos, K. A. Gernoth, J. W. Clark

Heavy-ion RBS characterization of multilayer TiNx-SiO2-Si structures

X. Aslanoglou, E. Evangelou, N. Konofaos, Ch. Dimitriades, E. Kossionides, G. Kaliampakos

Radioactive contaminants binding on pillared layered clays

D. T. Karamanis, P. A. Assimakopoulos, N. H. Gangas

Modification of pillared layered clays for scavenging radiostrontium from acidic aqueous environments

C. A. Papachristodoulou, P. A. Assimakopoulos, N.-H. Gangas, D. T. Karamanis