Τόμ. 19 (2011): HNPS2011

Δημοσιευμένα: 2019-11-21

Proceedings of the 20th Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society. The Symposium was organized by the National Technical University of Athens on 27 and 28 May 2011. 

The Deformation Dependent Mass Davidson Model

D. Bonatsos, P. E. Georgoudis, D. Lenis, N. Minkov, C. Quesne

Lifetime Measurements at NCSR “Demokritos”

S. F. Ashley, M. Axiotis, V. Foteinou, S. Harrisopulos, T. Konstantinopoulos, A. Lagoyannis, T. J. Mertzimekis, G. Provatas

GEANT4/GATE Simulation Studies in the Emission Tomography

M. Zioga, J. Menis, S. Apostolopoulou, D. Maintas, M. Mikeli, A. Nikopoulou, A.-N. Rapsomanikis, E. Stiliaris

Sensitivity and Resolution Study of a Small-Field γ-Camera System on a Tomographic Level

A.-N. Rapsomanikis, M. Zioga, M. Mikeli, D. Thanassas, E. Stiliaris

Inelastic cross sections in relativistic deuterons on Lead reactions

M. Zamani, S. Stoulos, M. Fragopoulou, M. Krivopustov

Recent sedimentation rates using 210Pb and 137Cs vertical profiles of core sediments at the Gulf of Corinth, Litochoro Coast and Marmara Sea

D. Papageorgiou, G. Eleftheriou, D. L. Patiris, D. Sakellariou, C. Tsabaris, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou

131I, 137Cs, 134Cs from Fukushima fallout at Milano, Italy

F. Groppi, S. Manenti, L. Gini, A. Ioannidou

Dispersion of 137Cs concentration in the basins of the Aegean Sea

F. K. Pappa, D. L. Patiris, G. Eleftheriou, C. Tsabaris, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou, H. Kaberi