Preanalysis of Neutron Activation Measurements in Shielding Penetrations at JET

Δημοσιευμένα: Μαρ 8, 2019
I. E. Stamatelatos
T. Vasilopoulou
P. Batistoni
S. Conroy
B. Obryk
S. Popovichev

In the present work, the preanalysis of activation foil experiments to determine neutron fluence rates along JET hall ducts and labyrinths is discussed. Simulations were performed using computational codes MCNPX and FISPACT-II and a detailed model of the JET hall, including the tokamak, biological shield and penetrations. The induced activity and detector count rate were predicted for activation foils placed at selected positions within the JET hall for Deuterium-Deuterium and Deuterium-Tritium JET plasma sources. The results of the calculations showed that satisfactory counting statistics can be obtained with the use of activation detectors and therefore activation analysis offers an unbiased and robust cross-benchmarking tool for comparison against other experimental and computation techniques applied in neutron streaming studies at JET.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
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