Greek political leaders on Instagram Pre-electoral and non-pre-electoral “visual flows”

Δημοσιευμένα: Jun 3, 2023
Stamatis Poulakidakos
Loukas Koutsikos

Through social media communities, politicians communicate professional, personal or even private information and try to “connect” with influential figures or ordinary people. More specifically, the use of Instagram by politicians can be approached as a way of producing “visual flows” of professional, personal and private moments.

The present research is a comparative study of the ways in which the leaders of the three largest - based on their electoral percentage - political parties in Greece (New Democracy, SY.RIZ.A., KIN.AL.) shape their "image" through their posts on Instagram during the "multiple" pre-electoral period of 2019 (European elections, Local Regional elections, Parliamentary elections) and a non-pre- electoral period (first half of 2018), in order to identify similarities and differences in the communication strategies of the aforementioned political figures per period.

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Stamatis Poulakidakos, University of Western Macedonia

Assitant Professor,Department of Communication and Digital Media