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2019: WAC international Encounters / Conference - Walking practices, walking art, walking bodies

Δημοσιευμένα: 2023-11-07
The process Walking Practices/Walking Art/Walking Bodies transformed the Prespa lakes area of Western Macedonia in Greece into an unlimited open laboratory of visual ideas and practices related to walking. The lakes’ basin was shaped from the narratives that were cultivated there during the first week of July 2019 (June 30th to July 7th). The basin is situated three hundred kilometers away from the nearest international airport in Thessaloniki and another sixty kilometers away from the nearest city with infrequent bus transportation (Florina or Kastoria). Suddenly, isolated Prespa became the meeting point of nomadic artists and theoreticians on the move from all over the world. To get to Prespa was a challenging journey, to begin with for all, and through this journey, the laboratory process already began on the road towards this crossroad of togethering.